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New Me


Information about "New Me"

Language: English
Music: Xalia Bates, Geraldine Crossways, Kelly Brookes, Holly Gilles
Lyrics: Helen Riddolf, Tracy Baxter

Genre: Funky throwback but modern pop

Information about The Artist

Artist 1

Name: Olimpia Kaimar

DOB: 22 August 1995 (25 years)

Birth Place: Kalosia

Currently Lives: Doportedas, Britonisea

VM Record: Debutante

WV Record: 4th, WorldVision Song Contest 53



Entry "New Me"


Dancers: [4] Keisha Cole, Millie Banques, Abigail Lai, Sam Foster

Offstage vocalists: Sarah Pingett

Choreographer: Sarah Jean-Samuels

Special Effects/Props: Raised platform, stage fan

Approx. Camera Cuts: 55



The Songwriters​

Xalia Bates, Geraldine Crossways, Kelly Brookes, Holly Gilles, Helen Riddolf, Tracy Baxter


Olimpia has a strong team behind her who are very well versed with Vha Mehlodhivestoile. Geraldine Crossways has submitted a couple of previous songs, most notably being apart of the team who wrote Lucie Dagenham's "Paradigm" which made the final and was a hit amongst international juries and televotes. Xalia Bates is very successful at Vha Mehlodhivestoile, being a part of the team that wrote "Paradise" in VM2019, which placed 4th overall in the Grand Final after qualifying directly to the Grand Final. Last year Xalia was behind the team that wrote "Bailando", also qualifying directly to the Grand Final. Helen Riddolf was the female behind the 50th World Hit Festival winning song, "Waiting For You" which currently holds the title as the song that has received the most amount of World Hit Festival points! 

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